Tuesday, September 30, 2008
i can't stop cryin'...
Posted by Cousin Chris at 3:59 PM 1 the walls CAN talk
my bad, fam.
So to Verlencia, Kyle, and Don....... My bad.

Posted by Cousin Chris at 12:48 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
Download: Charles Hamilton - Staff Development Mixtape

T.I. - Paper Trail
Posted by Cousin Chris at 10:17 AM 1 the walls CAN talk
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If you happened to catch the post that I put up late last night/early this morning, I'd like to sincerely apologize for my buffoonery. I mean, these things happen from time to time. It's crazy because I didn't pay for a single drink. They just kept appearing. I could definitely get used to this style of royal treatment but I highly doubt it will happen again. In the event that it does, it wont be on a Tuesday or any of the other sacred "school days", for that matter. Celebration was called for, though. My dude VJ threw an uber successful event and I am genuinely proud of him for how well things came together in the end. Congratulations, sir.
As I mentioned in the now deleted and never to be spoken of again post, I was given the opportunity to throw back shots of Henny with none other than Mr. Wale himself before he went on stage. Then I rapped nearly every word during his performance and sweated most of the liq right back out of my system... then went back to the bar with a significantly larger crowd than early and... well you can imagine the rest. Altogether it was and enjoyable evening and more or less what you'd expect during homecoming. I'm actually happy to be committing my time and energy to my never-ending schoolwork again.
I usually don't do drops on my KTH but there were some people who had all star performances last night and deserve a little credit...
Donovan: for being one of the illest and most underrated producers and not only making moves with his talent, but also managing to remain the definition of humilty
Aden: for being "super friend" to everyone with a smile on her face... don't think you go unnoticed
Dizzy: just for being "that n**ga"... that's all some people have to do
Sock: for having a performance that so greatly surpassed my already high expectations, and for kicking off a week that most up and coming rappers only dream of (opening for Wale on Tuesday, opening for Nas on Friday)
Kyle: for being gorgeous and helping the models get undressed backstage (shwing!) and also for finishing my drink when I'd had enough
Maddie: for giving me a spot to crash and literally sleep all day while allergies had its foot up my a** so that I could even attend
The little things that all of you did seriously turned my night into an event and I appreciate it. I have stories for days now thanks to you.
Oh yeah, and I found this...
Lupe Fiasco ft. Sarah Green, Q-Tip, and Pharrell - Paris, Tokyo Remix
Here is a video of Wale and Tre from UCB performing at the Fashion Show. Periodically, you'll here this really obnoxious voice singing along. I'm pretty sure that's me.
*Thanks for the video, Domo.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 2:16 PM 1 the walls CAN talk
Monday, September 22, 2008
i'm sure you heard...
Saturday morning...
Donovan 11:24AM: You hear about the travis barker plane crash?
Chris 11:26AM: What the f**k?!
Donovan 11:28AM: Yeah him and dj am were the only survivors. They crawled from the wreckage on fire to a nearby highway... crazy!
Chris 11:36AM: ...That doesn't even sound remotely believable but you've never lied to me before so I guess that's some f**ked up s**t.
Kid Cudi x Travis Barker x DJAM @ 2008 VMAs
Posted by Cousin Chris at 3:45 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
gotcha b**ch!
"Clickity CLOW!!!"
"Gonna tell your mother I'm cussin' in the house?! That's right! S**t!"
Posted by Cousin Chris at 9:02 AM 1 the walls CAN talk
Sunday, September 21, 2008
outta my system.
I ran into this a couple days ago and I'm seriously hoping that it's really him. Last year, Barack Obama aka "the next President of the United States", was on Ellen and he mentioned that he had danced on Soul Train once before. Now, we all love Mr. Obama, but at the end of the day he's still a politician. And politicians are known for saying anything to get people to like them. I don't know too many people in their right mind that still need a reason to like him, but we all enjoy proof and like to be entertained. Its blurry so I don't really know if that's him, but I'm hoping it is...
I'm sure you're all tired of me telling you how vicious Drake is but I guess I don't care. My faithful readers are already up on Drake because I mention him too often for them to not be. But I can't help but to feel like there's someone who is on KTH for the first time today and they have no idea who Drake is. I will not be held responsible for their ignorance. Dig?
Asher is that dude but Mos is role model.
Ryan Leslie is beyond talented. It's actually a little scary. I love the way he kind of emerged out of no where and everyone's acting like its okay. I feel like he's just collecting checks right now for something that's a hobby to him. And who knows... maybe that's the way its supposed to be.
Please please please watch this video if you haven't seen it already. To answer your question Ms. Cassell, the video debuted in July so yes, we are late. But s**t happens and the point is that we know no so we have to make sure everyone else isn't left in the dark. WARNING: If you've recently dealt with a messy break up, are having issues with unrequited love in your current relationship, or if your ex is nearby, this video may hit a little harder than otherwise. Personally, I froze up when I was shown this. The metaphor is obvious but you have to really listen to the conversation. That's real s**t. Trust me.
*Not to get off topic or anything but did you peep the Jordan I's in the video? Nice little cameo.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 9:56 PM 1 the walls CAN talk
Thursday, September 18, 2008
c'mon dude... that's gross.
I'm good.

Posted by Cousin Chris at 11:52 AM 0 the walls CAN talk
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
so sincere.
On September 23rd, my dude VJ and student fashion group Xpressionz are hosting the most exciting fashion show to ever hit Temple's campus (or the first one I actually want to go to, at least) and this s**t's about to be pretty ridiculous. Models from up and down 95 are going to be there and there will be representatives from at least 15 colleges and universities in attendance. The best part is that Sock will be performing live (Happy Birthday, son) along with Selina and Meladesol, and special guest performance by Wale.
I'm definitely in there.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 4:20 PM 2 the walls CAN talk
This isn't your ordinary 8th grade dry hump, people.
This is Janet Jackson...
I gotta give props to son, though. He lasted about 3 minutes and 30 seconds longer than I would have.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 1:31 PM 1 the walls CAN talk
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
middle school like....
One of the items that was stolen was my iPod, which you all know is like my third nut. Donovan's Pod got stolen, too, and you know music is an ENORMOUS part of both of our lives. Well Mom Dukes, who recently kicked me completely out of the tree, felt bad for her baby boy, knowing how much my iPod meant to me so she ordered me a new one. She loves me so much that she ordered me a 30 GB one, then she remembered that over the summer I had told her I was saving up for an 80 GB one, so then she ordered that. I love that lady. I was talking to her on the phone while I was taking a dump in the library this morning and she said "I kinda love you", to which I replied "Yeah ya do." We got a kick out of that.
Anyway, I digress. My 80 GB iPod came yesterday so I immediately put my entire iTunes library onto it, and as I was walking to class this morning with it on shuffle, this song came on. I had to pause for a minute so I could slow down all of the memories that were once way in the back of my mind but were now racing to the forefront. I gave a slight, barely noticeable smile for each one.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 12:01 PM 1 the walls CAN talk
a PSA from my favorite rapper.

"London bridges are fallin' down,
not "bridges" but britches when Jigga's in town.
Ladies, show me your knickers.
I might let you kick it if you don't tell the misses.
Quit run 'fore the tabloids come.
Run from the night or we end up in The Sun.
I'm just takin a piss... unless you gon' do it.
Whoa nelly! Na I'm so Makaveli,
bring two pack (2Pac) of condoms when you come to the telly.
Tell me if this is true:
If diamonds are a girls best friend, my crew
would like to extend an invitation to you.
We'd like to invite to our family....
Jewelry, I mean.
Cuz my jewels currently is being guarded by the Queen."
And for your viewing pleasure...
PS - Apparently, in England, to say you're "just takin a piss" is the same as saying you're "just kidding." But you knew that already....
Posted by Cousin Chris at 11:33 AM 0 the walls CAN talk
keep bouncing.

If you couldn't tell from previous posts, I'm slowly becoming a big Asher Roth fan. This kid is a beast and he's extra humble. Humility in rap is something that you rarely see and when you do, it generally fades away as fame increases. Best example of this: Lil' Wayne. I f**kin LOVED The Carter. Loved it. But then he started to lose me with all the cocky-ness. That's not my style so I wasn't rockin with it, and consequently, I know longer rock with Wayne.
Anyway, this song is from Asher's The Greenhouse Effect Mixtape which was crack. I played this song over and over again in the car this weekend. Its just one of those songs that's fun to bump when you got a packed car on the way to a party. Not to mention its about one of my favorite topics of discussion.
I'm almost positive you'll love it. Beat by Will.I.Am. S**t bumps.
Asher Roth - Keep Bouncing (zshare)
Here's a hint...

Posted by Cousin Chris at 11:31 AM 0 the walls CAN talk
got 'im.

You know, I'm sure that someday I'll stop stealing stuff from Zay's blog.
Today's not that day however.
And for your listening pleasure...
The Cool Kids - Delivery Man.mp3
Posted by Cousin Chris at 8:35 AM 0 the walls CAN talk
Monday, September 15, 2008
never fails.

Posted by Cousin Chris at 12:56 PM 3 the walls CAN talk
s**ts and giggles.
Both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and great actresses and it's great to see them together as Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. The entire sketch is funny and the impressions are on point. Its so trippy how much Tina Fey looks and sounds just like Sarah Palin. It's genius. My favorite parts are when Clinton is talking and Palin is completely ignoring her and making the poses from her well known photoshop scandal, and also when Clinton responds to Palin's statement that anyone can make it to the White House if you want it enough. Watch and see for yourself.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 12:29 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
Friday, September 12, 2008
yeah, she's bad.

Posted by Cousin Chris at 3:19 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
i just gave my alarm clock the evil eye...
Anyway, this post is for Aden. I generally turn my brain off when I brush my teeth and don't think about anything but today all I could think about was this. No further explanation should be needed. You know what time it is.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 7:15 AM 1 the walls CAN talk
Thursday, September 11, 2008
good morning, bloggers.
The quality is pretty bad but we're just gonna rock with it 'til we can find a better one.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 10:28 AM 0 the walls CAN talk
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
that's crrraaazzzyyy.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 1:46 PM 1 the walls CAN talk
That's a pretty big deal. Oh, and I was a party at the Animal House maybe two weeks ago, and Tone of Best Kept Secret (produced all the majority of Wale's best tracks to date) was there, and he told VJ, Don, and I that Wale's album is gonna be on a completely different level.
I can't wait.

Posted by Cousin Chris at 12:41 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
why not, right?
Posted by Cousin Chris at 12:24 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I can't be.

Posted by Cousin Chris at 11:34 PM 1 the walls CAN talk
get high.
The video is of Georgia's Knowshon Moreno straight leaping over some bamma during a game against Central Michigan. Seconds .42 to .48 is what you really need to see. Straight disrespect.
Posted by Cousin Chris at 9:34 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
Thursday, September 4, 2008
c'mon son... stop doin that.
Dear Drake,
You're a vicious rapper and I have a feeling its not going to be too much longer until everyone realizes that. Your wordplay is phenomenal and I honestly believe you're just an overall talente dude. I'm going to keep supporting you and I hope you blow up soon. However. I'd really appreciate if you stopped making songs with Lil' Wayne. Put bluntly: he's trash... well except for like 10 songs where he's actually spitting, but that's only 10 out of like 300. A candle in the sun, dig? I'm happy whenever I see a new track put out by you but this Weezy F(ucks) Baby s**t has got to stop. Please. Keep doing you thing, son.
-KTH Family
Posted by Cousin Chris at 9:54 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
creativity at its finest
Posted by Cousin Chris at 11:05 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
i told you i got you.

for more info go to http://www.tuhomecomingshow.blogspot.com
Posted by Cousin Chris at 9:17 PM 0 the walls CAN talk
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Happy First-Day-Of-Class, TU!
Posted by Cousin Chris at 11:22 AM 0 the walls CAN talk