Wanna hear something gross?.... I've been eating a BLT for lunch everyday for the past two months. On Temple's campus we have a variety of food trucks that are hot spots for upperclassmen and faculty/staff during lunchtime. They have them at Rutgers, too, only theirs stay open til around 3 AM and they're referred to as "grease trucks", which I think sounds kinda fly so that's what I call the ones we have at TU.
When I came back to Philly in July after being back home in Md./DC for 6 weeks, I went to a couple different grease trucks trying to find which one I liked the most. Well I found one and I've been stuck ever since. I get a BLT with extra bacon and no mayo on toasted white bread. EVERYDAY. I literally walk up to the truck, look at the lady, she recites my order, we smile at eachother, then I walk away and chill for about 5 minutes, and when I come back my food is waiting for me. Its a beautiful thing. An opportunity for me to practice something that is sadly a new concept for me: commitment. The ultimate "give and take." Both parties are happy because both parties get what they want. Its a sense of security in knowing that what you want is consistently going to be there for you. The truck doesn't move. Ever. The wooden planks that are wedged under the tires to keep it from moving, haven't moved either. And the four spots where the tires meet the pavement haven't been rained on in who knows how long. I don't take 30 minute lunch breaks.
I take 30 minute vacations.
3 the walls CAN talk:
'see ya tomorrow!'
can i please make an announcement:
I have been reading your blog for the past year man and this goes in my top 3 posts by you ever. i say top 3 and not number 1 because it something i never thought about until just now- but if i did this would be there.
you took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotion and i could relate.
thank you
ever heard of myocardial infarction. i have.
oops, sorry for spoiling your vacay.
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