If you couldn't tell from previous posts, I'm slowly becoming a big Asher Roth fan. This kid is a beast and he's extra humble. Humility in rap is something that you rarely see and when you do, it generally fades away as fame increases. Best example of this: Lil' Wayne. I f**kin LOVED The Carter. Loved it. But then he started to lose me with all the cocky-ness. That's not my style so I wasn't rockin with it, and consequently, I know longer rock with Wayne.
Anyway, this song is from Asher's The Greenhouse Effect Mixtape which was crack. I played this song over and over again in the car this weekend. Its just one of those songs that's fun to bump when you got a packed car on the way to a party. Not to mention its about one of my favorite topics of discussion.
I'm almost positive you'll love it. Beat by Will.I.Am. S**t bumps.
Asher Roth - Keep Bouncing (zshare)
Here's a hint...

0 the walls CAN talk:
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