Friday, January 23, 2009


So here's the thing... in America its extremely common to rate things or give them some type of rating. For instance, you see a bad jont at a party, she's a ten. Scutter-butts get a 5. Majority of my exes, an 8. Well here on KTH, I'd like to start giving you my personal ranking of different things that I post. And since apparently I'm known for keeping a cold Heinekin in my tool belt, I present you with the HEINEY AWARD.

heinekenfull.jpg picture by crsfrancis

Its a very simple concept. If something I post is decent, it gets one Heiney. Not that bad, two. Enough to impress your moms, 3. Kinda crucial, a whopping 4 Heiney's.
Got it? Good. Let's get into the extremes now.

If it absolutely sucks and for some reason I posted it anyway, it get an
CIMG0790-1.jpg picture by crsfrancis
That's right. A f**kin O'doul's. For those of you who don't know, O'doul's is non alcoholic beer. Uhhh... right. However, if its the one of the greatest things ever in the history of the world it gets

Nuff said.

2 the walls CAN talk:

Anonymous said...


Cousin Chris said...

please dont make me start deleting your comments.