Well, it appears it's been a little while since I've added a new post. I must say, this past weekend was pretty extraordinary. My son Calvin said it best during an outing at Mickey D's when he said "You realize that our weekends are so different, yet so the same?" Thats not exactly what he said but its 3:10 in the morning and my memory's never been that good. Anywho, I'm back off hiatus and ready to get back to posting.
I had this song stuck in my head during work last night and it was pretty funny. Is it just me or did the man in this seem a lot less creepy when we were little? And are his teeth super white or is he just black as 11:34 PM?
I had this song stuck in my head during work last night and it was pretty funny. Is it just me or did the man in this seem a lot less creepy when we were little? And are his teeth super white or is he just black as 11:34 PM?
*Did this negro say "Just put your foot in your hand"?...... Why the hell would I do that? Freak.
0 the walls CAN talk:
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