So Maddie showed me how to use this dope feature on my new camera and I'm kind of obsessed. I have a deeply rooted passion for photography and... that sentence didn't really have an end. My bad. Here are some of my most recent shots. Click on the pictures to view them bigger. Trust me, its worth it.
*In a previous post I asked whomever visited my blog and the hit counter read "1111" to leave a comment on the post. Well it seems I accidentally made myself that person. Whoops!
**It's now 4 in the morning so I'm gonna push all my unfolded clean laundry to the left side of my bed and fall asleep listening to John Mayer: Whitney style.
2 the walls CAN talk:
the first one and the donovan one are by far the SICKEST.
glad u got the hang of it
i am a true champion.
thanks for letting "the world" know.
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