Friday, November 14, 2008

s**t happens...

"Here's the deal, negro!" lol. I wanted to write a compassionate and caring post for you and when I was thinking about how to start it, that was the first thing that came to mind. I'm sorry but that s**t's funny to me. Anywho, moving on. I just wanted to let you know that whatever's going on is just a minor bump in the road and more than likely one of life's many tests. Trust me. I get tested more than..... a porn star? That analogy sucked but you knew what I meant. The point is, as cliche as it sounds, everything really does happen for a reason and you can't fool yourself into thinking that s**tty situations will remain that way. I don't know why but time seems to move in slow motion when you feel like things are out of your control, but that's just temporary. The key is to figure out what you did to get yourself where you are and if there was anything you could've done prevent it. You're the only one who's gonna have your back 100% of the time. But you know you always got us 99.99%, which is pretty damn good. I'ma hit you later though. Stay up son.

These songs usually work for me when I'm in a funk. They're kinda personal to me but I feel like you might need them more than I do...

*Oh s**t. You're always putting riddles and brain busters on your blog. Here's an easy and unintentional one that I didn't realized until after I published this post: What is the significance of our hats?

0 the walls CAN talk: