Thursday, July 10, 2008

i slept. i'm up now, though.

Okay, so where to I start on this one...

I'm a BIG Little Brother fan. I was put on to them Summer 2006 (I think) and they've been my every-mood music since then. Well they have this song with this cat named Drake called "
Don't You Have a Man" and its really good. I'm pretty sure its in my Top 25 Most Played playlist on my iPod. That's completely irrelevant but what I'm getting at is, while listening to the song a couple months ago, I was told by a hip hop enthusiast that Drake was the s**t and that I should start listenting to him. Instead of taking the advice immediately, I kind of blew it off and forgot about it.

Last weekend, I was at my boy's crib for his shorty's birthday and somehow found myself in a conversation with some people about how dope of a rapper Drake is... unfortunately, I had nothing to say. So I looked around. Downloaded the album. And son is the truth. Period. His mixtape is so good and he can spit... like, REALLY spit.

"i dont think they really ready for my wardrobe
i show up right before the store close and blow the fee from my last 4 shows
i do 1 song and use four flows
she used to be a christian before...
now all she wants to is shop for christian dior clothes
like baby those are cute, i adore those
me and the salesman build a repoire, so
he understand the fact that im spending off shore dough
cash only, transactions homie, and please no receipts the feds like to explore those"

So download the album right now (or whenever it's convenient for you) and enjoy good music.

Oh, and one more thing: I learned during the converstion that Drake plays Jimmy on some show called Degrassi. I've never seen it but I know people who were MIA a couple weeks ago because there was a Degrassi marathon. So he can sing, rap, and act? I'm impressed.

1 the walls CAN talk: said...

good grief. drake looks like an OG.