Wednesday, July 2, 2008

drop it.

Its been a while since I’ve written a personal post so I figured why not. Today was a strange a** day. Everyone has good days and bad days, and occasionally when we can’t seem to find anything that stimulates our minds for an extended period of time, we have “blah” days. Those are the days where when 7:30 PM rolls around and someone asks us how our day was, the first response that comes to mind is “Uhh… it was aight, I guess.” I hope someone feels me on that and I’m not the only one who has days like that. Basically, I said all of that to say that today was neither of the three. I haven’t quite decided on an appropriate title for days like today. I’ll try my best to explain the reasons why.

To start, here are two quotes to let you know where I’m going with this. If the quotes don’t interest you, neither will this post.

“The little things make me mad.”
“I’m a pretty simple guy. It doesn’t take a lot to please me.”

The first was said this morning by a friend. My response to this statement was that there’s a war going on as we speak and a f**king Great Wall of America is being built on our southern border, and we can’t let little stuff get to us. Sounds crazy now that I’ve typed it, but it was the best advice I could give at 7:45 in the morning. However, after getting through a day of enough ups and downs that there should be a height requirement, I realized that I have the same problem. My friend deals with his issues by verbalizing them to everyone he sees during the next hour, and letting them know every detailed of what’s pissed him off. Way too much effort for something small in my opinion. I handle little s**t differently, though. I don’t say anything but THINK AND THINK AND THINK AND THINK… until it prevents me from being able to focus on important things.

Its not just things that make me mad either. Sometimes what people do or say just disturbs the s**t out of me and I’ll get stuck trying to analyze someone else’s thought process; something I’m not qualified nor have the time to do.

Like I said, I’m an easy pleaser. Anyone I’ve ever been in a relationship with and my close friends know exactly what makes me happy. It’s sad to say but the list isn’t that long and it’s all pretty simple s**t. I enjoy being happy. But at the same time, I’m learning that it doesn’t take a lot to upset me either. I honestly don’t know why… Maybe I just need to man up and stop caring so much. I’ll admit, that sounds f**kin’ ridiculous, but sweatin’ s**t is getting old and I’d really like to get out of the habit of being the kid who trips over petty s**t, or worse, petty people.

I’m done for tonight. Got work in the morning. I’m supposed to be going to Philly tomorrow but after today, I don’t know if that’s going down. I’m tempted to pack a duffel bag, charge the iPod, buy a pack of cloves, and just drive….

I’ll let you know how it goes.

2 the walls CAN talk:

NIVLAC said...

if you decide to just drive why not make a trip to pittsburgh and kick it with the dantley family...we'd love to have you (no homo)

but if not, just keep it movin. like you have told me many times it could always be worse. be happy all you have to worry about it petty shit n petty people.

let me know about pittsburgh...i wasnt joking lol

JERO said...

dont worry be happy lil' man francis.

miss you.