It's great when you decide to go out on a limb and do something spontaneous, and the end result far exceeds your expectations. Because when contemplating whether your spur of the moment decision will be a success or not, you realize that one of two things is going to happen: it'll be an amazing experience and well worth it, or things can go terribly wrong (with gas prices, there's no grey area). And that's where risk comes into play.
With that said, I DID go back to DC (count 'em... that's the fourth weekend in a row) for the N*E*R*D album listening party at Commonwealth on Friday. Words can't even explain how right things went. Lets go over the highlights:
-Donovan got off of work an hour earlier so we could get there on time
-It was the perfect day for a two hour drive on I-95
-Listened to Dj Mike Rizzy's Tribe Called Quest mix in its entirety on the way down
-Went straight to Commonwealth and got the normal "home" feeling that I always get
-Saw people who's company I aways enjoy and made new, cool ass friends
-Chilled at somebody's house afterwards and had too much fun
-Hit up Steak 'n Egg for some eats around 2AM (always delicious)
-Got Donovan to the China bus right before it left at 8AM so he could get to Philly in time for work
-Went to my job orientation and acted out with my boy Devon
-Ummm... drove back to Philly and chilled with Don at his job at Pedestrian on South Street in the blazing sun
...S**t pretty much went downhill from there but extreme highs tend to have extreme lows so.... ya know.

0 the walls CAN talk:
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