When I was little, I wasn't allowed to listen to rap. Or watch MTV, for that matter. If I wanted to hear hip hop I had to either sneak and record it off the radio or steal one of my older cousin's tapes. I was like a feen. I got hip hop in my system any way I had to. It was kinda cool. Like I had a secret mission to accomplish and a deadline that I had to complete it by. Success was my reward in and of itself. I guess the high I still get from music is a habit I'm not at all tryna kick. My name is Chris. And I'm addicted to music.
I was really into hardcore rap back then for two main reasons. The first being that it was just that period in hip hop. The rough s**t is all there was. The second reason is because I went to private school all my life and no one else listened to anything like that. It was my way of making sure that I was different from everyone else; like I knew something they didn't. These three songs are some of the first that I can really remember listening to on repeat until I memorized them. Classics.


1 the walls CAN talk:
def. three dope choices.. classics def. crazy hearing the different joints that make ppl fall in love w/ the same..
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