Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Some of that crankity crank music

I mean... I don't know if Ive ever told you this before, but I LOVE being from where I'm from. We've embraced the title of DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia for you speds) and I have no problem repping all three. So yeah, I've been waiting for this video to come out for a couple weeks now and I'm boosted it's finally here. This is kind of epic, ladies and gentlemen. This is the first time Wale's in a legit-a** video and he's rapping! Congrats to the dude.

The Roots cranked as usual and Chrisette Michele is a bun on the low.
(that's a little DC slang fo' that a**. lol.)

Ay son... is Go-Go finally about to blow up?

*Oh yeah... the DC swag I always talk about... did you see it? Wale's definitely got it.

2 the walls CAN talk:

missgideon said...

I'm so upset with you. I really thought I was going to beat you to this one.

Cousin Chris said...

nope nope nope.
and i definitely checked your blog before i posted it to make sure you didnt post it yet.