Monday, April 28, 2008

Rainy Days

I don't remeber if I've told you this already, but my body doesn't respond well to rainy days. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm almost positive that I've told you about my condition before. When it rains I get kind of depressed, kind of sad, and just an overall melancholic feeling. Its wierd because I don't want to feel this way, but I can't help it. Its to the point that when I wake up in the morning feeling this way for seemingly no reason, I assume that its raining outside. And when I get up and look out the window, it always is. I can't even remember how many arguments I've gotten into with people only because the weather made me feel like s**t. To my knowledge, Maddie is the only person that knows exactly how I'm going to react to bad weather, and the best ways to deal with it.

Anyway, today's a s**tty day and I don't really have anything interesting to write a post about. I saw this video about a month ago and kind of have been saving it for (you guessed it) a rainy day.
Neptunes on the beat. Enjoy.

1 the walls CAN talk:

JERO said...

cheer up krees.