Sunday, November 9, 2008


Gotta be honest... I'm genuinely impressed. My very first blog post was in September of '07 and I took a break from it until that December. This was back before blogging meant as much to me as it does now. Before I had found my rhythm, if you will. I remember exactly when it was that I realized that this was some fly s**t and extremely therapeutic. I was sitting on the couch at my mom's house back in Maryland and for some reason, I kept finding s**t on the internet that I wanted to talk about. Wish I had a better story about how this slight as blog started but that's about it. The 3 sites that I was constantly going to to get material were HypeMachine, Herfection, and WayMoreFresher. I still visit these multiple times a day and every once in a while I'll just straight up steal something from them, usually crediting my source of course.

In the past couple days I've been seeing some things on WMF that I feel are worth sharing with you. I'm really liking what I see coming from them lately. See for yourself:

On Thursday they shocked the s**t outta me when they post this flyer for Commonwealth's current sale. Why is this such a shock, you ask? To my knowledge, everyone at WMF lives in England. And as you know, Commonwealth is my favorite store back home in DC.

That same day, they posted a much better picture of the eggplant foamposites than the one I put up.

And then on Friday... I don't even know what to say...


2 the walls CAN talk:

√W² Marketing Group said...

her weave is terrible. NEXT

Cousin Chris said...

possibly the worst.
but i think i could get over it.